Congratulations to ABACUS Employee of 2Q2023 🎉

Chanatip Limwannadeth (Arm) (Growth analyst – Marketing) won “ABACUS Think Bold Award” for his initiative in building our in-house MarTech solution, customized for digital lending service, to give better clarity in driving business ROI.
Piraporn Lerstaveesin, PMP (Yui) (Senior project manager) won “ABACUS Build Trust Award” for leading the "ABACUS digital" rebranding project, which involved collaboration from multiple internal departments within a tight timeframe and successfully built trust among team members to ensure project success.
Pawita Thongcharoen (Best) (Senior finance and strategy manager) won “ABACUS Make Impact Award” for driving efficient work processes with dedication. Her proposal for an automated reconciliation process has significantly reduced the human effort required, from 4 days to just 1 day per week, while also improving accuracy and convenience for other teams.